LL: It's okay to say my fish bit the dust or some bad guy in a movie bit the dust, but you probably don't want to say that about your friend's family member. 嗯,我懂了。Tobitethedust可以指鱼,可以指电影里的坏蛋,可是千万不要在朋友的家人去世的时候用这个说法。
These brightly colored fish have a family connection to the wild gibel carp. 这些色彩鲜艳的锦鲤和野生银鲫有亲戚关系。
"Black-spotted game fish ( Salmo clarki) of the salmon family, found in western North America." Analysis of Nutrient and Evaluation of Nutritional Value for Centropristis striata 北美西部具黑斑的鲑科游钓鱼类,学名为Salmoclarki。美洲黑石斑鱼营养成分分析与营养价值评价
Flesh of any of various marine or freshwater fish of the family Salmonidae. 各种科海水或淡水鱼的肉。
A fish of the family Gadidae. 鮣科的一个模式属;典型的鮣鱼。
Their vivid colors and markings make butterfly fish ( family Chaetodontidae) attractive aquarium fish, but many species require special attention and maintenance. 其生动的色彩和标记使蝴蝶鱼(家庭蝴蝶鱼科)有吸引力的水族馆鱼类,但许多物种需要特别注意和保养。
Flesh of lean-fleshed saltwater fish of the family serranidae. 酯科咸水瘦肉鱼的肉。
Everyday he catches fish from the sea, bring them home for his family, the rest he sells on the market. 每天他为他的家庭捉鱼吃,他不可能吃的那些鱼,在市场上卖。
A freshwater fish of the family anabantidae, native to Africa and Southeast Asia and including the gourami and climbing perch. 攀鲈一种攀鲈科淡水鱼,产于非洲和东南亚,包括丝足鱼和攀鲈。
Together with another one, the fish misses its family in the dish, both were written by a poet who was fond of wearing hat. 是那个喜欢带着帽子的诗人写的,还包括另外一句“鱼在盘里想家”。
If the husband loves fishing, the wife loves cooking fish and their child just loves eating fish, there surely is a perfect family. 如果丈夫的爱好是钓鱼,妻子的爱好是做鱼,孩子的爱好恰好又是吃鱼,这样的家庭是无懈可击的。
It is always hard for a small fish to live im a big pond. Pluto'srecent departure from the classical planet family proves that size really matters. 对一条小鱼来说,生活在一个大池塘中往往是艰难的。冥王星最近被逐出传统的行星家族证明了体积大小的确关系重大。
In the first chapter," Coming of articles myth", the dynamic arena tour to a group of happy fish, their unique approach to the fish family, performing with a happy "water ballet"; 在第一章“神话再临篇”中,动感的舞台游来一群快乐的鱼儿,他们以鱼族特有的方式,表演着快乐的《水上芭蕾》;
It provides parents with specific advice about the health promotion benefits of including fish and fruity vegetables as part of a balanced diet for both their children and the rest of the family. 该项研究为父母们提供了专门的建议,作为平衡饮食的一部分,添加鱼肉和‘水果蔬菜’对于健康促进的好处,对她们的孩子们以及家庭的其他成员都有好处。
Their Mum catches fish and leaves them flapping in the bottom of the boat and Chloe's friends get scared by the deer heads in the family room. 这两个孩子的母亲抓到鱼后会让它们在船里底部扑腾。可儿的朋友们被客厅里的鹿头吓到。
Many multicolored tropical fish are kept in the fish tank in his family. 他家的鱼缸里养了很多五彩缤纷的热带鱼。
I didn't expect him to cry stinking fish and run down his own family like that. 我没预料到他会象那样贬低自己的家庭,拆自己的台。
A soft-finned fish of the family Gadidae. 属于鳕鱼科的软鳍鱼。
A deep-sea cartilaginous fish of the family Chimaeridae, having a smooth-skinned tapering body and a whiplike tail. small fantastically formed and colored fishes found among masses of sargassum. 银鲛银鲛科的一种深海软骨鱼,有平滑表皮、锥形身体和鞭状尾巴常见于马尾藻类海草堆中,体色鲜艳、形状怪异的小鱼。
Minnows or other small fresh-or salt-water fish ( especially herring); usually cooked whole. Any of various fishes of the family Cyprinidae. 鲤科小鱼或其它小的淡水或咸水鱼(尤其是鲱鱼);通常整条鱼烹饪。
Remove fish fillet from marinate liquid, drain excessive liquid. important warm-water fatty fish of the genus Thunnus of the family Scombridae; usually served as steaks. 将鱼片从鱼子酱中捞起,去除多余的水分。温暖水域主要的富含脂肪的鱼;常用来做鱼片。
The fish are fed on the silkworm droppings and cane leaves a family of vines belonging to order Rhamnales. 鱼以蚕沙和藤叶喂养。属于鼠李属的葡萄藤科。
Important warm-water fatty fish of the genus Thunnus of the family Scombridae; usually served as steaks. 温暖水域主要的富含脂肪的鱼;常用来做鱼片。
A kinematic model of the cruising of large-amplitude's BCF is established based on fish body's centerline, and the family of curves are obtained through simulations and experiments to reproduce fish motion. 本文以体干中线表征鱼体波动,建立大振幅鱼体尾鳍摆动模式的巡游运动学模型,进行仿真和模型试验模拟鱼类游动的体干曲线族。
The genomes of several chondrichthian fish have also been studied by up-to-date molecular techniques, especially as regards the repetitive DNA sequences, satellite DNA family and microsatellite loci. 现代分子生物学技术也被用于一些软骨鱼类的基因组研究,在重复DNA序列、随体DNA家族和微卫星位点等方面均取得一些成果。